Freedom, Joy & Ease 

Health Is Your Identity

It's time to embrace the truth of who you fundamentally are: Powerful, powerful Health.

So Here is the (Harsh?) Truth:

Our food system is broken, the healthcare system isn’t helping people, the majority of people are sicker, and more unhappy than ever before in human history, food confusion and health anxiety is through the roof, women don’t know or trust themselves or their bodies to go through the most safe and natural processes of pregnancy, birth and postpartum…. and ALL of this is MASSIVELY impacting the quality of life of millions (billions?!) of people around the world.




Something. Needs. to. Change.

My Story:

For over a decade I suffered with my own health problems (mental and physical). I was confused about what to eat. I was on and off that proverbial “bandwagon” more times than I could count. I felt at my core I was a “sick” person. I didn’t trust myself to make good food choices. I hated my body. I didn’t have any energy or even a zest for life.

And what I have come to realize now that is my driving, undying motivation to help others is that it wasn’t just my health that suffered all those years. It was my LIFE.

See EVERY area of our lives are effected by our health: our families, our friendships, our careers, our ability to dream, our self esteem, the overall quality of our life….everything hinges on our health. Everything.

Quite frankly there is just too much at stake to not prioritize our health. Far too much. It’s time we wake up. It’s time we reevaluate what we believe about ourselves, our bodies, and ultimately our power and potential.

The system is broken. No one is coming to save us. We can’t rely on healthcare professionals or the government to care about us,  to save us when we get sick, or to care for us or our babies and children. That is OUR job.

It’s time we take that job very seriously.


It is time for a radical new reframing of what it means to achieve health, practice health, and BE health.

Health Is Your Identity

A radical new approach to health

Imagine this: 

*No more confusion around what to eat

*Health anxieties are gone

*You have a radical new trust in your body's ability to heal and be healthy

*Your symptoms are healed

*You feel fully confident in your body's ability to carry new life and birth new life wholly in your own power

*Not only is your health exponentially greater, your whole life explodes into greater happiness and possibilities

ALL of this...and so much available for you. What are you waiting for?!

What you'll experience from working with me:


  • Freedom, Joy, And Ease. No more feeling stuck in old patterns and mindsets that simply do not serve you. No more confusion about what to eat, how to heal or how to trust your body to experience naturally occurring experiences.
  • An entirely new way of viewing health. Health is your birthright. It's yours. Right now. At this moment. It is your VERY Identity. You don't have to "fix" your health. It's not broken. Together we will shift your mindset and Identity towards Health being WHO you are and what you deserve, even when your choices aren't "perfect".  
  • A diet plan the works for you. Forever. I know you're over trying to figure out how to eat to reach your health goals. I get it. It's simply exhausting trying the new trendy thing time and time again. So we're done with that. I will show you how to eat that's balanced and sustainable so you can maintain it once and for all. I sincerely wish to see you succeed not just for the next 30 or 60 days--but for decades to come. And we can absolutely make this a reality for you!
  • A stronger connection to your own Inner Knowing (Intuition). We all know there are a million different people saying a million different things about health these days. So many contradicting ideas, so much confusion. You can find evidence for nearly anything being both healthy or the least healthy thing on the planet. 

It's time to take your power back. It's time to eat, live, heal, thrive, grow life, birth new life all on YOUR terms, in your power, fully knowing and fully confident that health is WHO you are. 


4 Week Coaching Program


In 4 weeks we will do BIG work on: a diet plan that works for you, upgrading your health mindset, and implementing other healthy practices and lifestyle habits so you can achieve the health of your dreams! 

*For pregnant women, chronically ill, weight loss, health confusion and anxiety or anyone who is ready to be more FREE

Click the link below to read more.

I'm ready for this!

6 Week Coaching Program


In 6 weeks we will do even BIGGER work on: a diet plan that works for you, upgrading your health mindset, and implementing other healthy practices and lifestyle habits so you can achieve the health of your dreams! 

*For pregnant women, chronically ill, weight loss, health confusion and anxiety or anyone who is ready to be more FREE

Click the link below to read more.

I'm ready for this!

12 Week Coaching Program


My 3 month program is my fullest program. It's the deepest deep dive into diet, mindset, identity, and lifestyle habits.

I've seen huge progress made in those who have committed to my most intimate, deep dive 12 week course.

Bonus: 1 year of access to my private community which includes all my recipes, monthly challenges, and additional group coaching calls. Click the link below to read more.

I'm ready for this!

1:1 Consultation with Olivia


A single 60 Minute live Zoom Call with Olivia to identify what needs to change in your habits or perception for your health to flourish.

And to create an empowered course of action for you moving forward.  

Sign Up

Group Coaching


Ready for a BIG change in a group setting?

Join my private community for weekly group coaching and a whole world of recipes, mindset resources, my healthy meditation series, monthly health challenges and so much more!

Sign Up

Pam Brewer

 "I went into this this program thinking we would be talking about meal plans and eating but to my surprise it was all about your mindset and getting to the root cause of our eating habits. What a game changer for me! I learned to look deep in to what was triggering me as well as learn to love myself enough to make good choices not only with food but with other behaviors. This journey has truly changed my life and I am so grateful to Olivia for setting the groudnwork for a life of good health and a deep love for myself. I am Health!!"


Kasey Slinkard

 Wow! Where to begin with this journey?! I had an idea in my mind of focusing on food and food alone. My goal was to tone up, lose fat percentage, and remove all “bad” food from my diet. In just a few weeks, my mindset changed so much in the best way possible! The last four sessions I had with Olivia we didn’t even discuss food. Throughout this journey I learned who I am, what I desire, what makes me happy, and how to focus on my desires and chase my dreams. I learned that the food choices and everything else just naturally fall into place once I learned who I truly was and once my identities weren’t at battle with each other. Olivia gave me the tools to help discover who I am and what I desire. She was available at any given time when I needed support. I looked forward to our meetings every week and instantly felt better after talking with her. The materials she provided helped guide my thoughts and helped me focus on myself. I feel amazing and like I’m finally awake for the first time in a really long time! 


The time really is now. Your life is moving so quickly. And you deserve not only the health, but life, of your absolute dreams.

I'm ready when you are.